Lincoln Land Chapter was founded in October of 1986 and is located in Springfield, IL. We have members from many locations, but primarily from Sangamon and Menard Counties. Located in Central Illinois and the state capital, Springfield is best known for its ties to President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln practiced law and started his bid for the Presidency from Springfield. The area became known as the "Land of Lincoln" Hence the chapter's name. The Capital Building, also located in Springfield, is known to be the tallest dome style Capitol building in the United States. It's home to the State Government and Springfield’s largest employer.
To contact the chapter, please email: 217abatenews@gmail.com
Chapter meetings are held the third Tuesday of Every month at:
Northender's VFW Post 10302
2349 Stockyard Rd. Springfield, Il
Social Hour 6:00pm
Meeting 7:00pm
Chapter Officers President - Cassandra "Sandy" Cantrall Vice-President - Brian Burton Secretary - Julie Rowden Treasurer - Paul Truax Legislative - Theo Graff Education & Safety - John "Fireball" Anderson Activities - Vince Hutchens Products - Jennifer Van Cleve Membership - BOD Rep - George Hurst Alt. BOD Rep - Dwayne "Rudedog" Rudolph Sgt at Arms - Don Cantrall Sgt at Arms - Rick Edstrom | Upcoming Region Events
For a complete listing of ABATE events statewide, click Events |
For upcoming chapter events, see our Facebook page or email us at: 217abatenews@gmail.com Check out the Lincolnland Chapter newsletter along with news from around the state here: Newsletters |
ABATE of Illinois Swap Meet - March 16, 2025 - Click Here